Category: What’s New?

Municipal Support in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

CAI Technologies is supporting our clients in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each and every municipality has varying needs as they deal with the pandemic. In some cases there is a need to provide public access to up to date information regarding the closure of businesses and municipal services. In other cases there is […]

Written by on 04/20/20

Rocky Hill, CT GIS Data Maintenance Services

Rocky Hill, CT has chosen CAI Technologies to provide GIS data maintenance services. The initial project will focus on updating the Town’s GIS parcel data layer with a backlog of edits which have not been performed for several years. Working closely with the Assessor’s Office, CAI shall update the Town’s GIS data in esri Geodtabase […]

Written by on 03/30/20

Bedford, NY GIS Conversion and AxisGIS Hosting

Bedford, NY has contracted with CAI Technologies to provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services. Initially, CAI shall be converting their CAD Tax Maps into ESRI geodatabase format and performing a backlog of parcel maintenance edits. Once the mapping project is complete, CAI shall implement our AxisGIS online platform and providing annual parcel data maintenance services […]

Written by on 03/02/20

Westbrook, ME Georeferenced Subdivision Plan Application

Westbrook, ME as part of their annual GIS Consulting Services Agreement with CAI, asked us to design and build an application allowing City staff and the public to have access to historic georeferenced subdivision plans. CAI determined that ArcGIS Online was well suited for this and we created a Web App specific for searching for […]

Written by on 02/17/20

Houlton, ME AxisGIS Add-on Functionality

Houlton, ME has contracted with CAI to implement add-on functionality and dynamic map layers available with the AxisGIS platform. In addition to a Staff Site, CAI shall setup and configure our Advanced Query module and Document Upload Tool. The Advanced Query module will allow Staff users to create custom queries based on attributes available from […]

Written by on 01/27/20

Kittery, ME Mapping and Online GIS Services

Kittery, ME following a competitive RFP bid process has entered into a three year contract with CAI Technologies to provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Management services. The project shall consist of conversion of their Tax Maps into ESRI geodatabase format, implementing our AxisGIS online platform and providing annual parcel data maintenance services. Spatial accuracy of […]

Written by on 01/09/20