Town of Hardwick VT Zoning update

The Town of Hardwick, Vermont worked with CAI Technologies to recompile their zoning layer to align with their parcel data and add the information to their AxisGIS online platform. AxisGIS […]

Town of East Hampton NY – GIS Consulting

Sometimes we help Towns achieve their GIS Goals for the year by delivering our expertise in the form of a consulting agreement with them to help them accomplish a goal […]

Cortlandt, NY Tax Map Maintenance Services

Cortlandt, NY has hired CAI Technologies to provide ongoing Tax Map maintenance services.  CAI staff on a monthly basis will download all deeds and plans recorded with the Westchester County […]

Monmouth, ME GIS Data Conversion and Update

Monmouth, ME has contracted with CAI to migrate their data into our standardized geodatabase maintenance data model.  As part of the conversion CAI shall improve the spatial accuracy of the […]