Freetown, MA Water Customer GIS Data Layer Creation

The Town of Freetown, MA contracted with CAI Technologies to create a GIS layer showing the location of Water Customers. To accomplish this, the Town provided CAI an Excel file […]
Sandisfield, MA AxisGIS – Assessing Dynamic Map Layers and Editor Service

Sandisfield, MA contracts with CAI Technologies to create Assessing related data layers as well as configure AxisGIS Editor and ArcGIS Field Maps for the Highway Department. Taking advantage of the […]
Sanford, ME Street Sweeping Tracker

Sanford, ME contracted recently with CAI to configure an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) application to track Street Sweeping progress. The City has a priority watershed where those streets are required to […]
Eliot, ME Catch Basin Cleaning Dashboard

CAI recently completed configuration of an ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Dashboard for the Eliot, ME Public Works Department. As required of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) communities, Eliot must report […]