Tag: caitechnolgies

Andover, VT Data Reformatting and Tax Map Maintenance

Andover, VT contracted with CAI to reformat the existing parcel data into CAI’s GIS data model. The reformatting will support cost effective data maintenance and facilitate advanced functionality in CAI’s AxisGIS web-based service. The data formatting will also provide cleaned and topologically corrected line features to ensure no overlaps, or slivers between the maps. A […]

Written by on 02/16/24

Town of Wheelock, VT Data Model Conversation & Map Update

The Town of Wheelock, VT has contracted with CAI to convert their data into the CAI GIS Data Model and to complete a 2-year tax map update. The conversion into CAI’s GIS Data Model will support cost-effective data maintenance and facilitate advanced functionality. During the conversion, line features were cleaned to be topologically correct ensuring […]

Written by on 11/22/23

South Portland, ME AxisGIS To ArcGIS Online Synch Tool

The City of South Portland, ME has contracted with CAI to configure and host an AxisGIS to ArcGIS Online Synch Tool. This tool will support having regularly updated owner and parcel information in the City’s CivicGov software which is currently being implemented. The City’s AxisGIS service is updated nightly with revised owner information from their […]

Written by on 09/29/23

Newburgh, ME GIS Conversion and Online Hosting

Newburgh, ME recently contracted with CAI Technologies to perform a digital conversion of their Tax Maps and implement our online GIS platform.  Funding for the project was made possible through use of ARPA funds the Town received.  CAI began by first digitizing the Town’s existing Tax Maps to overlay the most currently available orthoimagery.  The […]

Written by on 08/15/23